M. Y. Eichlersmith

Headshot of M. Y. Eichlersmith


Hello! I'm Martha (she/her/hers) and currently I am a research programmer at Social Policy Research Associates. My job is to provide programming for data management, analysis and visualizations to a variety of teams at SPR. I completed my M.S. in Statistics at Northwestern University and my B.A. in Math at Gustavus Adolphus College. Between undergrad at graduate school, I worked for three years in investment banking. I'm originally from Minnesota and so it is no surprise that I enjoy watching hockey.



Research Programmer

Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) • Oakland, CA • Aug 2020

RLadies Presenter: Introduction to {box}

R Ladies Twin Cities • meetup • Mar 10, 2022
Presentation introducing the {box} package, which allows the user to create modularized code in R without having to develop a full package.
View Slides
View GitHub Repository

R Shiny App: COVID-19

R Shiny app that creates hex maps as well as trend line-charts for different COVID-19 metrics (cases, deaths, and vaccines).

View App
View GitHub Repository


Internal Communications Chair

Northwestern University | Women in Statistics (WIST) • Evanston, IL • Jun 2019 - Aug 2020

Teaching Assistant

Northwestern University | Department of Statistics • Evanston, IL • Sep 2019 - Jun 2020

Assistant Chair

Northwestern University | Hobart House (Residential College) • Sep 2019 - Dec 2019

Investment Banking Analyst

Piper Jaffray | Public Finance • Minneapolis, MN • Jun 2015 - May 2018

Community-Based Service and Learning Project Analyst

Gustavus Adolphus College • St. Peter, MN • Sep 2014 - May 2015

Personal Interests


Knitting is my favorite past-time


Go Vegan! For the animals, the planet, and yourself.


Reduce, reuse, recycle is my wo-mantra


Nothing beats a good cup of tea with good company

Animal Companions

I share my life guinea pigs: Daffodil and Blossom, they are very cute


Being from Minnesota, it’s no surprise that I love watching hockey, especially the Whitecaps and the Wild
